We are looking for Volunteers!


We want you to become a member of your board.

We are currently seeking volunteers to act as Board Members or take part in sub-committees in areas like, Finance, Human Resources, Business Development, Marketing, Data Analytics, Credit Control, Risk Management and Board Oversight (Supervisors), Customer Service, Retail.

You will be joining a team of professionals, this is an opportunity to enhance your professional development through targeted training programmes and network with like minded executives which will benefit your employability.

You will:

Learn new skills

Develop new interest

Increase employability

Use professional skills

Increase self-confidence

Have a purpose, sense of achievement

Make a difference, a desire to help others

Give back, for example when a family member has benefited from the organisation

Meet new people, have a sense of belonging within your community

We at the Credit Union cannot achieve our objectives in the community without the commitment and support of our volunteers.

If you feel you (or a friend) would like to learn new experience and you have a few hours a month to spare, please email nominations@bkcreditunion.ie or drop into branch and submit your details to any of our staff.

Alternatively, please fill in and submit the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible to finish the process.

Volunteer Application Form

If you would like to become a volunteer, please fill in the form below and click submit when you have finished.

(details of the organisation and the length of time with them)

(if any)